In this article:

You're almost ready to show your media to the world! Before you do, however, be sure to check the settings. This will ensure that it looks professional and has the correct settings.

The General settings tab allows you to customize basic media information, such as its title, description, tags, thumbnail image, privacy, and file versions.

The following pages explain each of these settings in more detail.

<aside> 💡 To access your media settings, go to your Project and double-click the media you want to customize.


1. Adding a Title, Subtitle, and Description to Your Media

By default, a media’s title is derived from its source file. To change the title, go to the General settings tab and enter a new name for your media in the Title field.


<aside> ⚠️ The Title field cannot be empty. If you leave it blank, the media will retain its original title.


You can also add a subtitle (a subheadline, make sure to distinguish it from subtitles) to your media to elaborate on the main title. Both title and subtitle should be at most 140 characters each.

Finally, you can describe your media in the Description field. The description should contain relevant keywords and summarize its content. It can help your media rank better for search engines (SEO) and make it more accessible to viewers.

Click Save to keep the changes.

<aside> 💡 Tip: add a clear and concise title to your media as it helps users find your content more easily.


2. Choosing Your Video’s Thumbnail

Thumbnail overview

The thumbnail image is an essential part of your video's visual identity. It will appear in all the places where it is visible, such as in search results or on your media page.

By default, Kinescope automatically chooses a frame from your video for the thumbnail. In videos longer than 30 seconds, it's the first frame after 30 seconds following a scene change. Whenever a frame cannot be detected, Kinescope uses the 25th frame. However, sometimes it may not represent your video adequately. If you want to personalize the look of your video, you can select a custom thumbnail image by clicking the Add thumbnail drop-down menu, where you will have two options: Upload thumbnail or Select from video.

Uploading a Thumbnail

If you have created a custom image you want to use as your thumbnail, you can upload it directly from your computer.